Handy tips for daily office cleaning

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Handy tips for daily office cleaning
28 Sep

Handy tips for daily office cleaning

A clean office is not only great for business but, it helps to maintain a healthy environment for workers. No one likes a dirty workspace but when it comes to office cleaning, it’s often easier said than done. That’s why I always recommend cleaning your office daily to avoid dirt buildups. You can even keep a handy list of things to do daily such as the following:

Take the time to dust your office every day
Regular office cleaning can be a hassle and not everyone has time to clean an entire office. However, dusting tends to take just a few minutes and the results are always worth it. With the help of a handy tool such as a feather duster, you can dust off the dirt from various areas in your office such as file cabinets, computer monitors, desks, and chairs. In addition to dusting, you can spray some air freshener to keep the air clean and free of allergens.

Mop the floors
In a particularly busy office, the floor is always the first place to pick up the most dirt. This is even worse during muddy and rainy seasons. That’s why I always recommend mopping the floor daily with some water and a detergent. If you can afford it, you can hire a cleaner to mop daily or, you can create a roster and take turns to clean.

Pay closer attention to public areas
From the bathroom to trash cans, there are places in your office that will always be busy. Now, while you don’t have to restock supplies in the bathroom every day, for example, it’s in your best interest to clean them every day. Make sure to empty the trash cans, scrub the toilets and wipe down any areas that people touch often to avoid germ buildup.

Don’t forget germ hotspots
Blenders, phones, door handles, etc. There are so many areas in your office that people come into contact with every day. As part of your regular office cleaning routine, you should wipe and sanitize these spots to stop the spread of germs. Much like dusting, this doesn’t take too much time but, it will go a long way to ensure the office stays clean and sanitary.

Office cleaning on a daily basis might seem like a lot but, it is worth it to maintain a clean working space for your workers and impress clients coming into your business.